Board Audit & Risk
The Board Audit and Risk Committee (BARC) supports the Board to execute its duties and responsibilities in accordance with its mandate regarding; oversight of the Company’s internal control, governance and risk management processes including the Company’s controls over financial reporting.

Michael Nyago
Mr. Nyago is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered & Certified Accountants (UK), member of the Institute of Certified Accountants of Uganda and Internal Auditors & Certified Internal Auditor.

Josephine Olok
Ms. Olok holds an MBA, University of South Wales. MSc Advanced Computing, Member Information Systems Audit and Control Association(ISACA).

Sarah Walusimbi
Mrs. Walusimbi holds a Bachelor of Laws, Makerere University, Diploma in Legal Practice, Law Development Center, MBA ESAMI.

Paul Bannada Kiyinji
Mr. Kiyinji is an accomplished professional with strong Accounting, Operational Management, and Financial Management skills earned over 30 years.

Juanita Kakyubya Karamagi
Ms. Karamagi is an accomplished professional with nearly 20 years of experience in Project Management, Business Analysis, Business & System Integration, among others.